Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Break 2009

I got to spend this spring break with my dad. which is good because i havent got to send alot of real quality time with him. he picked me up on saturday at 2. We ate lunch and then headed out to the stars game we had tickets to that night. Which i was really excited about because it was against the minisotta wild. Which is the team antti miettinen plays for. Hes a former stars player that i absolutly love and still support. So of coarce i was going crazy that i got to see him again. when it was time for skate arround. I left our seats and went against the glass on the wilds side watching miettinen. A couple minutes before the team was about to go in. I stood against the rail that divides the crowd and the players. Miettinen was the first to come in. I yelled at him saying that i missed him and wished he would come back. I also showed him my jersey. which was one of his game used ones. He nodded and smilled at me. Which made me get goose bumps. After that i headed back up to our seats, ready for the game. We won in overtime 3-2. It was a good exciting game. 

The Next day we went to avis to pick up our rental car which was a toyota SUV thing. Its really nice. We loaded all our stuff and were off. On the way down there was a big huge statue of Sam Houston.  So we had to stop. We went and took some pictures then left and went back on our way. I was having really bad ear aches from my ears popping from all the pressure. When we finally got there, we went and got a bite to eat. There was a BJs right by our hotel so we went and ate there. Well my ear pain was so bad that we had to leave to get some ear drops and and medicine to make it feel better. Well after like an hour it went away, and i was sooo happy. 

The day after that we had tickets to go on a VIP level 9 tour. We woke up early, got read and headed out. Once the tour started it was sooo awesome. They took us the the Neutral Bouyancy Lab. Which is where the astronauts training is. Its a giant replica of the international space station under water, in the worlds biggest indoor pool. It was very intereting.  They also showed us the simulators where they practice flying the space shuttles. They showed tons of really kewl stuff but by far the 2 kewlest things were the mission control rooms. I didnt think we would be able to go in because a space shuttle launched the day before. But they let us anyways. It was kewl cause we saw the actual mission happening. After that they showed us the old mission control center. Where apollo 11 and 13 had taken place. Allong with manyore that i dont know the name of, but anyways, it was kewl cause it was excactly the same it was like 20 years ago with the actual desks and everything. And we got to go inside of it and touch stuff. it was really kewl. i was amazed. After the tour we left and decided to go down to galviston. Which turned into a disaster. On the way we got hit by a fool driving a full sized chevy at like a 100 miles an hour. It was really scarry. The cops came and talked to us and we told them what happened. Thank god no one was hurt. And thank god we had that big car because if we were in like a little car it would have been really bad. 

Today, we went back to the space center. But left in dissappointment in the "mussam". Instead we saw a movie. We saw a race to which mountain. It was ok, im not really into that science fiction stuff so i didnt really like it. But whatever. Where about to go out to eat dinner at this aquarium place. Here are some pictures from the last few days.