Sunday, February 22, 2009

Hockey, Hockey, Hockey

hey everyone. Sorry i havent posted anything in a while. I hope you had a good week. 
This weekend was actually pretty fun. On friday i went to a brahmas game. It was my twin cousins birthday. We had some good
 seats. The kewl thing though was that payton and landon were going to get to ride the zamboni
 during the second intermission. We'll we had a blast. It was sure a fun experience. Usually i dont enjoy brahmas games this one i did. i think it also helped that they actually won. The score was 5-2. They creamed em'. The following day i went to a stars game against the black hawks. My dad made a mistake he thought the game started at 2 but it really started at 1
. so when we got there the period was allmost
over. It was kinda weird getting into the game with out the intro and stuff. But its still a stars game and there still fun. We lost 1-3. But it was still a kewl game with lots of fights. Today im just relaxin. And later tonight i have a parent meeting. Which is when me, jack, my dad and my mom all get together and talk about whats wrong in my life. Fun right. Ha
 ha yeah. Well hope you guys have a good week. Ill try to update sooner this time.