Sunday, February 1, 2009

Great Wolf Lodge

This friday i was privlaged with the chance to go to the greatwolf lodge. They just built it right over by the gaylord. I went with my Grandma jamie and Grandpa Steve. My two cousins landon payton and her friend gemini also tagged along. They picked me up right after school. I couldnt wait to go i was so excited... In the car we listened to music and talked about what rides we were going on when we arrived. When finally got there. We hurried to our room, put our bathingsuits on and then went to the pool to swim. I stuck with landon. I was his "designated" parter. The first ride we went on was the small tornado... which was green (not the big one thats out side) Its was pretty fun. There was a drop that lasted for like 15 seconds then we went into the big whirlpool thing we went arround twice. Right when we were aboutto go in the whole at the bottom we got stuck and couldnt move... After a while of working we finally got in the whole to go to the bottom. After that we went on the big tornado... Im not gonna lie, i was terrified but i promised landon i would go on it with him so i had too. After like an hour of waiting in the line it was finally our turn. The first part of the ride was dark and you couldnt see. I was scarred... i knew that there was a drop coming any minuet. And boy was i right. The drop wasnt that long time wise... But its the most intence part of the ride... it alone is like a 90 ft. black whole straight down.. When you finally get in to the tornado part, you have the time of your life. Going up and down and side to side. There was even one point where i thought i our raft was going to flip. It was so much fun. Me and him rode it about 5 times... That was my favorite part of the trip. I had alot of fun. I would defidently go back again. I had the time of my life. I recomend it to anyone.