Sunday, January 25, 2009

SAT... in 7th grade

Ok so yesterday i took the SAT reasoning test for the Duke tip program. Around back in September my school sent all the people who made above 98% On the state test recved a brochure to participate in the Duke University Talent Search.  So i brought it home and my mom signed me up for it. I had to wake up real early to be at the high school to take it. My mom, dad, step-dad, and uncle had attended there high school years at the same school so it was interesting to look at all the plaques and banners from the years they had been there. After a few minutes of looking around it was time to say buy to mom and go take the SAT. I was so nervous because im only in 7th grade and i was taking the test with all the juniors and seniors. I reported to my testing center and sat in my assigned seat. The instructor read us a list of rules and regulations. Then passed out the scan tron booklets. Around 8:30 we started taking the test. After every hour they would let us out and take a 5 min break. All i got to say is that was the longest, hardest, most horrible, most boring test ive ever taken. The math sections i could understand and figure out because i got to use a calculator. But the essay and the reading sections i had the hardest time with. Most of those i guesed on because i had no idea  what the really long words ment. After i was through with the test they made us take an oath saying we were the one on who answered the questions on the test. Then they let us go. I was finally free!!!! It was around 1:30  when  got out so the test took about 5 hours. I get my scores on Wends. So ill keep you posted on how i did. :)