Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Heyy! Picture and ?'s

Heyy Guys! Hows it goin?? Alot of people have been asking me to post answers to there question polls so im going to answer some. And ohh yeah the picture at the bottom was from the first day of school if u wanted to know what i lookd like. Anyways... send me your answers to the questions you like on here , or send me questions u want me to answer to my email which is

1. Q:Do u care about politics?
A: Well kinda, but i really dont know alot so i cant get into it that much.

2. Q: Do you trust your friends?
A: Yes most of them. If i didnt trust them i dont think we would have that great of a friendship now would we??

3. Q: Are you a nature lover?
A: Yeah but im not a super crazy tree hugging hippie.

4. Q: Do you download ringtones?
A: Yes, but i never pay for them. i either get them from my friends through bluetooth or download them for free on

5. Q: Do you like were you live?
A: Yeah i like keller its nice:)

6. Q: Do you like your name?
A: its "ok" i think it sounds kinda weird its like 2 names together. Chris then Tina.

7. Q: Would u rather be an only child?
A: Well i am an only child soooo....

8. Q: Silver or Gold?
A:Silver, i hate gold! Unless its white gold then i love it. 

9 .Q: Have u ever farted and blamed it on someone else?
A: Umm yeah! who hasnt? Im not afraid to admit that.

10. Q: How do u flush public toilets?
A: With my foot! That handle has tone of germs on it!

11. Q: Whats your dream car?
A: Aston Martin all the way baby!!!!!

12. Q: Do you sing in the shower?
A: Of coarce!! Everyone has at some point.

13. Q: Have u ever had stitches? 
A: Yes, i have on my face!!!

14. Q: Whats under your bed?
A: DEAD BODIES!!! haha im only kidding. actually nothing. my rooms clean right now.

15. Q: Do you like New Years resolutions?
A: No cause ill keep them for about a week. haha

16. Q:Have u ever forged your parents signature?
A: Once in like 4th grade on a progress report i forgot to bring home. ahh i know its bad!

17. Q: Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
A: Yes, sadly many many times. To many to count.

18. Q: Have u talked to someone on the phone till sunrise?
A: Yeah, a couple times with my best friend joey, we would talk from like 7pm. to like 7am.

19. Q: Do you text in class.
A: Haha yeah i used to. i even got caught a couple times and had to pay $15.

20. Q: Have you ever fallen asleep in class?
A: haha no, but i did fall asleep in church once and thats way worse!!!