Saturday, August 15, 2009


I got to go on a vacation to the beautiful Colorado this summer. It was absolutely gorgeous! I loved every minute of it! Here's what we did day by Day.

Day 1: Me, Grandma, and Papa all piled in the BMW at an early time of 6:00 am. I was excited about the journey ahead. I couldn't wait! But i wasn't so excited about the 12 hour car ride there. But it was all worth it. I loved Colorado. I had been there before and loved it. So i couldn't wait to go back. We finally got there around 7 o'clock. And boy was i hungry! We went to go eat at this really cool restaurant that was in an airplane! The food was incredible too! I had a lot of fun! It was a great experience.

Day 2: Are first full day in Colorado! I couldn't wait to go and explore! The first thing that we did was go on the Royal Gorge! Which is an old time train that takes you through the mountains. It was amazing! Just breathtaking of the view we had. On the train there is an open observation deck to get a better view. So that's where we were the most of the time. It was really fascinating! i had a great time. Towards the end of the day we went to go to seven falls.
Which was astonishing! When you get there you have 2 choices. You can either take the elevator to the observation deck. or you could climb 300 stairs to get to the top for a way better view. Well of coarse i wanted to see the better view. So i climbed the stairs. Papa climbed them with me. Grandma was to scared to climb them all. so she just took the elevator to the observation deck farther away. It was amazing. Absolutely Gorgeous!

Day 3: Today was Monatou Springs day. We drove about 30 Min's. to go see this little town. Which i thought was a waste of time. It was a gross hippie town. There were those pictures that you look at when your high all over the town. So that must say a lot. I couldn't wait to get out of the town. When we finally did we went horse back riding! When we got to the stables the guy assigned us our horses. Mines name was strawberry. I put on my helmet and got on my horse. I couldn't wait! This was going to be the highlight of my trip! When we finally got going i had a huge smile on my face. The view was amazing! We were riding through the garden of the gods. And whats a better way to do it then on horse back! It was a wonderful experience. I'm so glad we got to do that. I will never forget it.

Day 4: We were leaving Colorado:( i loved it here i didn't want to leave. We all piled in the car and headed out. We were on our way to Amarillo(so i thought) Before we went to Colorado i had made a list of places i wanted to go. And my number 1 was the city of Vail, Colorado. But Grandma and Papa told me we wouldn't be able to go because it was too far. But little did i know that i had the wonderful surprise of going there. I was just in the car listening to my music and i heard my grandma say look Christina. So i glanced out the window and saw a sign that said Vail! I was so excited! I could hardly believe it!!!!! I LOVED VAIL! It was the most beautiful place i had ever been in my entire life. The town was great. they had tones of villages that were just so cool looking! I could soooo see myself living there. We stayed in a Marriott resort there. The hotel room was awesome, and we had a great view also! This town was truly breathtaking. I still cant believe it! Its the prettiest place on earth in my opinion. That night we walked through the villages and went shopping. Then we got hungry so we decided to eat at the restaurant in our hotel. Which was a great idea! I had the lemon infused chicken. Which was delicious! I didn't think i would like it, nut i LOVED it. Vail was growing on me. Everything was so great.

Day 5: Today we really had to go. We were driving to our hotel in Amarillo. It was a long drive. We also ate at out back that night, Which was very good!

Day 6: We came home! I really had a good trip! It was amazing! I'll never forget it!